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Odyssey of the Mind 2015
GOAL: create a wearable hat puppet whose facial expressions can be discreetly controlled by the wearer.
This hat puppet was created as part of a costume doing a unique take on the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
Cords run through the sleeves of the costume, allowing movement of the fingers to control the movement of different facial features. The mouth can open and close, each eyebrow can waggle independently, and the eyes can angle inwards, forming an angry scowl.
Prototype Demo
CLICK for video. HOVER for sound.
Final Demo
CLICK for video. HOVER for sound.
The Hat
The Rest of the Skit
The first video depicts one of the mechanisms of on the membership sign: turning the key activates a cuckoo-clock mechanism. The second and third videos depict a set of gears that continuously rotate for an interesting visual effect.
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